LOI Conference in NY

From the 3–5th October, Mr Michael Ibrahim, Director of Learning and Teaching at St Cyril’s, accompanied His Grace Bishop Daniel and 4 other delegates from the diocese of Sydney to the second Land of Immigration conference in New Jersey, USA. The conference, which was called by His Holiness Pope Tawadros II and hosted by His Grace Bishop David, explored the area of education within the Coptic Orthodox Church in the diaspora. Four papers were presented, including the keynote presentation by His Holiness, covering topics such as theological education, educational methodology and challenges in the diaspora.
Following this, the delegates broke off into 5 discussion groups to discuss the challenges in the areas of families, Sunday School service, pre-servants’ training, Theological colleges and priests’ continuing education, as well Orthodoxy/Orthopraxy. Each discussion group developed a 3 year plan to address the challenges in these areas, which were then presented to His Holiness and the assembled Bishops. For the Theological colleges, closer collaboration was discussed, as well as the potential for joint publications and a greater awareness of staff expertise in order to better utilise the talents of Coptic academics and theologians in the diaspora.
Overall, the conference was a very stimulating event. It was a remarkable experience, which demonstrated the vision of His Holiness, and his willingness to engage in dialogue with a broad cross-section of the faithful in the diaspora, listening first-hand to their hopes and challenges. God willing, the next 3 years will see the continued growth of the Coptic Orthodox Church in the diaspora under the leadership of His Holiness and the Metropolitans and Bishops of the diaspora.