Oxford Patristics Conference 2024

This year Dr. Samuel Kaldas (Lecturer in Philosophy and Theology) and Sabine Ford-Arthur (Honours Student in Theology) attended the XIX. International Conference on Patristic Studies in Oxford, UK.
From the 5th-9th of August, scholars and students whose area of research focuses on the Church Fathers & Mothers gathered from around the world to share their work with other academics.
The conference provided an invaluable opportunity for rigorous discussion, fresh insights, and the exchange of ideas on the rich legacy of the early Church.
Dr. Kaldas presented his paper titled, “Through His Silence He May Be Known: Divine Hiddenness in Early Christian Thought” and Sabine engaged with the Macarian Homilies in a paper titled, “Either Satan’s Temple or the Spirit’s.”
Both returned inspired and eager to integrate their experience at the Conference into their ongoing research and teaching at St. Cyril’s!