P7150 – Orthodox Homiletics

P7150 – Orthodox Homiletics

Unit Code


Unit Name

Orthodox Homiletics  (undergraduate)

Unit Weighting

9  Credit Points

Type of Unit


Prerequisites, corequisites or exclusions


Academic Staff

Rev Dr. Fr.  Mark Basily;  BE (UNSW), MTh (UON), DMin (PTS)

Curriculum Objectives

This course unit introduces students to the initial skills and fundamental principles involved in the preparation and delivery of sermons.

Learning Outcomes

At the end of this unit students will be able to:
1) Articulate and prioritize the elements of an effective sermon and its delivery
2) Explain the role of the sermon in worship and spiritual formation
3) Analyse a range of preaching styles
4) Identify a range of pastoral contexts and determine how they influence the sermon and its delivery
5) Apply their knowledge and skills to the preparation and delivery of pastorally appropriate sermons.

  1. Definition and Principles of preaching
  2. Brief history of preaching
  3. The language of preaching: written discourse vs-a-vis oral discourse
  4. Text selection and processing for preaching
  5. Sermon Construction – introductions, outlines, dominant thought, conclusions
  6. Preaching style and delivery taking account of context, listeners, and medium
  7. Self-Evaluation of preaching
Unit Weekly Schedule

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