The Diploma of Christian Studies is an 8 unit (i.e. 1 year) undergraduate award that introduces students to Orthodox Christian studies within higher education. It is designed for Year 12 graduates (no ATAR requirement), and provides an potential entry-point into the Bachelor of Theology. It provides an opportunity to undertake some theological study with special focus on Christian Thought (including Biblical Studies, Theology, and Humanities in the Christian Tradition) or on Christian Practice (Christian Life and Ministry).
Diploma of Christian Studies (DipChSt)
Award Summary: AQF Level 5
Entry Requirements
- Satisfactory completion of Year 12 in the Australian school system, or its equivalent;
- Mature Age and Special Entry Admissions for those who have reached the age of 21
- Articulation from other Sydney College of Divinity programs.
- 1 year full-time
- 3 years part-time
- 72 credit points (8 units in 7100-7399 series)
English Proficiency
- Applicants whose entry qualifications were obtained in an institution where English is not the language of instruction normally require a minimum IELTS (or equivalent) score of 6.5 with no score less than 6.0 in all bands of the test. A student can be admitted provisionally into the DipChSt when they have an IELTS result of 6.0 with no score less than 6.0 in all bands of the test.
See our Tuition Fees.
Graduate Profile and Rationale:
The Diploma of Christian Studies course is an undergraduate award program intended to give students a broad introduction to theological disciplines undertaken at AQF Level 7 study. It provides an opportunity to undertake some theological study with special focus on Christian Thought (including Biblical Studies, Theology, and Humanities in the Christian Tradition) or on Christian Practice (Christian Life and Ministry). The special focus is achieved by completing a submajor in the area of interest. Currently St. Cyril‘s is offering majors and submajors in Biblical Studies, Theology and Christian Life and Ministry.
Graduates will have:
- Technical and theoretical knowledge and concepts with introductory knowledge in the disciplines of Biblical Studies and Theology, and wider knowledge of the theological disciplines generally that will form the basis for further learning.
- Cognitive, communication, and technical skills in a theologically-related body of knowledge, so that they are able to:
- identify, analyse, synthesise, and act on theological information from a range of foundational sources
- express ideas and perspectives in theology
- communicate theologically-related knowledge, skills and ideas to others.
Applications of Knowledge and Skills
- the ability to:
- demonstrate an understanding of theological knowledge by applying it in their professional, family, church, social, or personal lives.
- perform technical operations of some complexity in relation to Christian living, taking personal responsibility for them.
- exercise initiative and judgment in reflecting on issues of Christian living, including some ability to do so with others.
Students must be enrolled in order to undertake a unit of study. Applications for admission should be made by contacting the registrar. If the application for admission is approved
Articulation to Other Awards
The Diploma of Christian Studies is both a stand-alone award and a nested award in the Associate Degree of Christian Thought and Practice and the Bachelor of Theology. As a result it articulates directly into either of these awards. On completion of either of these further awards the student would surrender the Diploma of Christian Studies. The award may be retained if no credit is granted into the further awards.
Admission to Candidature
- An applicant for admission to candidature for a degree of Diploma of Christian Studies shall:
- have satisfactorily completed Year 12 in the Australian school system, or its equivalent; or
- have reached the age of 21 and so satisfy the requirements for Mature Age entry; or
- have adequate grounds for Special Entry.
- A candidate for a Diploma of Christian Studies shall be designated as full-time or part-time. Full-time study is defined as enrollment in three units (27 credit points) or more in a semester. Part-time enrollment is defined as less than three units (27 credit points) per semester.
- No candidate for the Diploma of Christian Studies may be concurrently enrolled in any other undergraduate or postgraduate course within the Sydney College of Divinity (SCD) or any other tertiary institution, unless approval has been granted by the Academic Board.
- Applicants whose entry qualifications were obtained in an institution where English is not the language of instruction normally will be required to demonstrate competency in English by an IELTS (or equivalent) result of 6.5 with no score below 6.0 in all bands of the ‘academic format‘ of the test. A student can be admitted provisionally into the DipChSt when they have an IELTS result of 6.0 with no score less than 6.0 in all bands of the test. They must pass all subjects in the first two semesters to be permitted to continue.
- Application for enrolment in the diploma program is made to the Registrar of the St. Cyril‘s.
Course Structure
The Diploma of Christian Studies requires the completion of 72 credit points.
Every program for the award shall include
- at least 9 credit points within the discipline of Biblical Studies;
- at least 9 credit points within the discipline of Theology;
- at least one submajor (36 credit points) in the domain of Christian Thought (drawn from Biblical Studies, Theology, and Humanities in the Christian Tradition) or in the discipline of Christian Life and Ministry;
All course units shall be taken from units coded within the 7100-7399 series.
Period of Candidature
- The period of candidature for the degree shall normally be one years full-time and up to three years part-time.
- In certain circumstances the Student Administration Committee of the SCD may grant extensions.
Leave of Absence
- The Student Administration Committee of the SCD, at the recommendation of St. Cyril‘s may grant leave of absence from the Diploma of Theology. The period of leave shall not be counted as part of the period of candidature for the degree.
- The period of leave shall normally be one semester after which a candidate may apply for a further period of one semester or will be required to complete candidature.
- The assessment of subject units shall be in the manner approved by the Academic Board of the SCD in line with its established guidelines for assessment packages.
- Students may be required by the Academic Board of the SCD to present themselves for oral examination.
- Academic and non-academic misconduct will be penalized severely in accordance with the regulations of the SCD.
- A candidate may seek credit up to a maximum of 36 credit points in the Diploma of Christian Studies.
- Credit will be granted for units that are from an equivalent award or institution and have outcomes, content, demand hours, and assessment equivalent to that of units in the Diploma of Christian Studies.
The following is a sample course program for a full-time student (8 units). Also note our unit offerings vary year by year.
Semester 1 | Semester 2 |
T7101 - Introduction to Theology | B7120 - Introduction to the Old Testament |
A7170 - New Testament Greek | B7364 - Pauline Literature |
B7130 - Introduction to the New Testament | T7281 - Early Church Fathers |
H7110 - History of the Early Church | W7106 - Ancient and Early Medieval Philosophy |