Dr. Ramez B. Boutros
ADJUNCT Lecturer in COptic Studies
BA Architecture, Helwan University, Cairo
D.E.A. (Diplome d‘Atudes approfondies) University of Strasbourg II, France
Ph.D. University of Strasbourg II, France (Hons)
L.M.S. (Licence in Medieval Studies) of the Pontifical Institute of Medieval Studies
Dr Ramez B. Boutros worked for the French Institute of Oriental Archaeology in Cairo as an Architect and Researcher form 1990 to 2005. Since September 2007, after moving permanently to Canada, he was accepted as Visiting Fellow at Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies at the University of Toronto, and in 2008 as a Research Fellow. Since September 2008, he has been teaching as Lecturer in the Department of Near and Middle Eastern Civilizations (NMC) at the University of Toronto, also at the Trinity College, Toronto, and Huron University College at Western. He is the President and co-founder of the Canadian Society for Coptic Studies, and he is also the General editor of the Journal of the Canadian Society for Coptic Studies. He has special interest in editing texts related to the foundation of Pilgrimage sites. He published the Homily of the Church of the Rock in the Patrologia Orientalis 49; and has written numerous articles about the history of pilgrimage sites, the cult of physician saints, and monastic archaeology.
Coptic architecture and archaeology; History and archaeology of Egyptian monasticism; History and archaeology of pilgrimage sites in the mediaeval period; Pilgrimage sites and cult of the physician saints; Cultural exchanges in the monastic and pilgrimage sites.