Commencement & Orientation 2018

We welcome you to join us for the St Cyril‘s Semester 1, 2018 Commencement Liturgy & Orientation. We will begin on Saturday, March 3, at 8:30am for the Liturgy with all Faculty, Staff and Students, as well as the President of St Cyril‘s, His Grace Bishop Daniel. This will take place at St Mark‘s Coptic Orthodox Church in Arncliffe. The importance of this cannot be emphasised enough. At the centre of all authentic theology is the Eucharist; it grounds, vitalises, and transforms the very endeavour of theology.
Following this we will have a celebratory brunch (agape meal) with all present. This will be followed by student orientation. For all students this is a must, as you will get to know the Academic Faculty and administration staff, receive your Student ID card, learn where and how to access resources, and last but certainly not least, sit down for a meal with other students and Faculty. Orientation will also be recorded for online students. Please RSVP to for catering purposes.
- Inaugural Liturgy: 8:30am
- Welcome & Brunch: 10:30-11:30am
- An Introduction to Higher Degree Research (Dr. Jim Harrison & Dr. Peter Bolt): 11:30am-12:30pm
- Valuable Pointers for 2018 (Fr. Daniel Fanous & Michael Ibrahim): 12:30pm-1:30pm