New Series: Voices of St Cyril’s

St Cyril‘s Theological College in collaboration with Upper Room Media, is now bringing you a new series. This is at the heart of Upper Room Media‘s mission of bringing to you the treasures of a timeless faith that are accessible any time, any place. The faculty and students of St Cyril‘s will bring to you the greatest articles, passages and texts from the ancient fathers, contemporary theologians and spiritual writers. These will be narrated, allowing you the chance to HEAR such texts on the go!
Make sure to listen to “The Mission of Orthodoxy” by Father Alexander Schmemann and an ancient text, “The Letter to Diognetus”…as well as many more. To access these gems, go to the sermons section on the app > Series >Voices of St Cyril‘s. If you haven’t already you can download the app on any device here:
Mission of Orthodoxy –
Letter to Diognetus – Soundcloud:…/letter-to-diognetus-narrated-by-ai… OR App: