Oxford Patristics 2019

The 18th Oxford Patristics Conference was held from the 19th to 24th August 2019, gathering nearly a thousand international patristics scholars, with a few hundred of the delegates presenting on all matters of early Christianity.
St Cyril’s in Sydney was well represented with Fr Daniel Fanous, Dean, presenting on: “Christ Formed In You: Discerning Paul’s “Theotic Exegesis” in Origen and Irenaeus“; Michael Ibrahim, Director of Learning & Teaching, presenting on: “The liturgical hymn “O Monogenis” as a symbol of Post-Chalcedonian Christological convergence;” and Samuel Kaldas, Lecturer in Philosophy, presenting on: “Flight of the Living Dead: Asceticism as Living Death in the Desert Fathers and Late Platonists.”
All were very well received, as were the excellent papers by faculty and friends from SAC in Melbourne, Fr Shenouda Boutros and Dr Lisa Agaiby. It was a fascinating conference, and a great chance to meet with old friends and scholars from around the globe! We look forward to Oxford in 2023.