S2 Enrolments open

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Enrolments for Semester 2, 2022 at St Cyril’s are now open!
Units on offer in semester 2 include:
- Introduction to Theology (Fr Daniel Fanous)
- Introduction to Counselling (Dr Margaret Tadros)
- Introduction to the Old Testament (Fr Paul Fanous)
- The Art of Orthodox Homiletics (Fr Mark Basily)
- The Cappadocian Legacy (Fr Doru Costache)
- Coptic (via MQ Uni) (Prof. Malcolm Choat)
- NT Greek I (Dr Seumas Macdonald)
- Biblical Hebrew II (Prof. Rifaat Ebeid)
For the full list and more details, see the Academic Calendar.
FEE-HELP is available for all units. Enrolments will close on 4 July, 2022.
To apply, contact our registrar (registrar@stcyrils.edu.au), or click here to Apply Now.