St. Vladimir’s President to Teach Intensive at St Cyril’s

Over Summer 2017/2018, Rev. Dr. Chad Hatfield, the President of St. Vladimir’s Orthodox Theological Seminary (SVOTS) will teach an intensive on “Mission and Evangelism” at St Cyril’s. The unit will be taught over two weekends on February 16th-18th and 23rd-25th; Friday evening, Saturday day, and Sunday afternoon (Assignments will then be completed over the next few months). Father Chad is an exceptional lecturer and has served in the mission in South Africa, Guatemala, Alaska, as well domestically throughout the United States.
The unit will specifically examine the place, necessity, and method of mission and evangelism in the local parish. It will show how the understanding and practice of mission has evolved throughout the centuries in response to the changing needs of the world. It introduces students to the contemporary theological understandings and entry points for mission in an Australian context. It also aims to create an increased understanding of missiology in the Orthodox Christian context and to prepare students for living the challenges of the “Great Commission” with a stronger scriptural, theological and practical methodology. It will be offered as both undergraduate and postgraduate units (face to face and online modes). Auditors and students from other institutions (from anywhere in the world) are also welcome.
For more information on the units, see “M7110 – The Evangelising Mission of the Church” and “M8510 – Evangelising Mission Today.” Enrollments close January 8, 2018 – so do not miss out on this once in a life time opportunity. To enrol in a unit please use the Enrollment Form. If you have not already been admitted as a St Cyril’s student, please fill out the Admission Application. For any concerns please email our Registrar.
Archpriest Chad Hatfield (BA, MDiv, S.T.M, DMin, DDiv) is Professor of Missiology at SVOTS and teaches courses in missiology and evangelism. He is the editor of the “Orthodox Christian Profiles Series,” published by St. Vladimir‘s Seminary Press, a member of the Metropolitan Council of the Orthodox Church in America (OCA), and author of several publications. For further information on Father Chad, please see his SVOTS biography or wikipedia.